Let us help you find out about Forge Mill Farm, including the various pages like Visit, Learn, Play, Eat & Shop, Plan Your Visit, Events and Activities, Contact Us and use of accessibility statement, cookie policy and privacy notice of this website.
This page includes details about the Things to see and do at Forge Mill Farm.
The Learn page encompasses information regarding education and outreach programmes, visit add-ons, latest news and volunteering.
This page includes details about New Eatery , Covered Seating Area, An Education Classroom Space and a bespoke Natural Play Space.
Eat & Shop
The Eat and Shop page includes information on the meals, snacks and gift items. It also encompasses details about opening times.
Plan Your Visit
The Plan Your Visit web page serves as a comprehensive guide for visitors, offering essential information on opening hours, admission fees, parking options and accessibility.
Events & Activities
On this page, you can take a glimpse through various seasons and learn about the farm events and activities.
Contact Us
The Contact Us web page offers visitors various ways to get in touch with staff via email addresses and a contact form.
Accessibility Statement
Details of accessibility.
Cookie Policy
How cookies are used on the site and each cookie’s purpose.
Privacy Policy
Forge Mill Farm’s approach to user privacy.