Dog After Hours - Pumpkin

Dog After Hours – Pumpkin


Dogs After Hours- Pumpkins!!!

Back after popular demand, at Forge Mill Farm, for the last time this season so don’t miss out!

Bring your four legged friends to explore the Pumpkin patch as the sun goes down, grab some super cute photos in our autumn photo booths. 

Pick your perfect Pumpkin while your are here! Take your pick from lumpy to lovely or from wrinkly to plumpy, we have hundred of pumpkins to choose from! We will leave the patch more open with less pumpkins to make more space for you and your pooch.

Whether you want to make pumpkin soup, carve a spooky face or accessorize your house, there is a pumpkin for everyone. Just pay for what you pick on the way out.

Visit our food hut on the way out and see what tasty treats you can find. Don’t forget to visit the farm shop to see all the awesome autumn treats. 

Dogs must be on a lead and well socialised to attend. Remember- Don’t let your dogs eat the pumpkins as too much can make them sick.




Individual Ticket Price


Farm Yard and Barns:-Meet the animals and learn something new.

Farm Trail:- Find the Alpacas, pigs and goats on our farm trail.

Farm Shop :- Opportunity to buy farm themed gifts, try our fresh eggs and honey from Sandwell Valley.

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